Andy Cohen ha dichiarato “di essere stato testato contagiato dal Coronavirus” e via Social sollecita le persone a “restare a casa”

di Patricia Sinclair

In tutto il mondo, tutti stanno adottando le misure precauzionali per evitare il contagio del Coranavirus. Fare fronte all’ansia e alla noia, alla convivenza forzata, non è facile anche per le star. Basta seguirli su Instagram mentre si mostrano vestiti con comodi pigiami, si coccolano facendosi maschere per il viso, si mostrano in versione casalinga mentre puliscono casa, lavano i piatti, riscoprono passioni sopite, lanciano appelli confortanti. Eccone alcuni scelti da What-u:

Scarlett Johansson

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Un post condiviso da Scarlett Johansson Fanpage (@scarlettjohanssonworld) in data:

Paul McCartney

Hilary Duff

Justin Bieber

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Thank you

Un post condiviso da Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) in data:

Lady Gaga

Susan Sarandon


Eva Longoria

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Saw this from my girlfriend @mistressmonie and couldn’t agree more. My other best friend @luckylunargy is a nurse and have always had dry hands from washing them so much at the hospital and in life! Her hands are always cracking and bleeding. And she can never have a manicure. It’s a small but significant sacrifice for us. Thank you to all the nurses out there doing incredible work. You are seen and appreciated. ??????——————- #Repost @mistressmonie ・・・ THANK YOU FOR YOUR DRIED HANDS! Dry hands of any medical professional mean they are working for the health and well being of everyone they come in contact with throughout their shift, in their community and in their families. If you are blessed with a family member or friend that is a RN, NP, DR, etc – you know that they don’t have an off switch. So send them some love, keep them in prayer and if you can help them some how in their personal lives right now, please do. To all my framily that work in the medical field, I LOVE YOU ? and thank you from the very bottom of my heart. #loveeachother #covid_19 #nursesrock

Un post condiviso da Eva Longoria Baston (@evalongoria) in data:

Julian Lennon

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Praying for the Winds of Change…. ??

Un post condiviso da Julian Lennon (@julespicturepalace) in data:

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I think it’s time to grow my own…. ???

Un post condiviso da Julian Lennon (@julespicturepalace) in data:

Hilaria Baldwin

Victoria Beckham

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x VB

Un post condiviso da Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) in data:


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What a ride the last decade has been. Boston has been so good to us and will always be in our hearts. We will forever have wonderful memories. Our kids were born and raised there and we have made special friendships to last a lifetime. I’ll miss our friends, the beautiful change of seasons and the rides to the stadium to go cheer for Tom and the Pats. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of my husband and our family throughout all these years. We will miss you! ❤? Quanta transformação que aconteceu na minha vida nessa última década. Boston foi muito acolhedora conosco e estará sempre em nossos corações. Nós teremos para sempre memórias incríveis. Nossas crianças nasceram e cresceram lá e fizemos amizades especiais para o resto da vida. Vou sentir saudades dos nossos amigos, das lindas trocas de estações e de todas as nossas idas ao estádio para torcer pelo Tom e pelo Pats. Agradeço a todos que apoiaram meu marido e minha família por todos esses anos. Vamos sentir saudades!

Un post condiviso da Gisele Bündchen (@gisele) in data:

Kim Kardashian

Julianne Moore

Gwyneth Paltrow

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My first trip to Italy was at the end of 1991. I had miraculously booked a TV movie that would start in the new year, so I quit my job at the fish restaurant in Santa Monica, borrowed money from my agent, and hopped on a plane. I met up with a college friend and we traversed the north on trains, spending Christmas with some family friends who were nonetheless strangers, and ending up in Venice. My next trip there was a few years later, when we moved to Rome to start preproduction on The Talented Mr. Ripley. I spent months succumbing to the delicious wildness of the south, with its incredible food and warm-hearted entropy. As it’s transpired, I have had some of life’s most profound happenings occur in Italy: My father died in Rome when we were on a road trip for my thirtieth birthday; Brad proposed to me in Umbria in 2017. Italy is a place we return to over and over. It is a country that believes deeply in the artisan, the family, the handmade, slow-grown quality of its goods. We make our G. Label clothing in its factories and, as it turns out, stock up on its low-temp-dried pasta, Neapolitan tomatoes, and fragrant olive oil during times at home. When this crisis started, we held Italy, China, South Korea, Iran, and the other countries affected in our prayers, and now we have all followed suit. Each of these places has shown us what strength, resilience, and community can do during these surreal times, strictly restricting movement, with some even singing from their balconies. I wish for all of us to heed these very real warnings so that this unprecedented crisis might pass quickly. Stay home. Make pasta. FaceTime your grandma. We will get through this.

Un post condiviso da Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) in data:


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#GlobalEffort #QuédateEnCasa #StayHome

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Hugh Jackman

Miley Cyrus

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TEE’S COMING SOON! LOL @happyhippiefdn

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David Beckham

Jamie Lee Curtis

Ronn Moss

Chiara Ferragni


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how to pass time 101

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Catherina Zeta-Jones

Gli stilisti

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Come together and let us know how you’re coping… x Stella

Un post condiviso da Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) in data:

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Un post condiviso da Donatella Versace (@donatella_versace) in data:

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Le ore più difficili per Bergamo, la città del cuore di Nicola Trussardi. Non possiamo che essere al suo fianco! ⁣Per questo stiamo sostenendo con convinzione la raccolta fondi di @cesvi_onlus per contribuire all’acquisto di respiratori, ventilatori polmonari e altri macchinari prioritari per l’ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII, e invita tutti a fare lo stesso. ⁣Come? In due modi: acquistando sul nostro e-commerce, il cui 100% del ricavato delle vendite verrà donato a CESVI, oppure tramite una donazione diretta su cesvi.org o al link in bio. ⁣Insieme ce la faremo. #ConBergamo e con i bergamaschi! ⁣ ⁣- ⁣ ⁣These are the darkest hours for Bergamo, the city in the heart of Nicola Trussardi. We must stand by its side! ⁣That is why we will be giving our full support to the @cesvi_onlus fundraiser to help purchase respirators, pulmonary ventilators and other priority equipment for the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital and we invite you all to do the same. ⁣How? In two ways: by making a purchase on our e-commerce, where 100% of sales proceeds will be donated to CESVI or by making a direct donation on cesvi.org or through the link in the bio. ⁣Together, we can do it. #ConBergamo and with the people of Bergamo! ⁣

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I reali…

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These are uncertain times. And now, more than ever, we need each other. We need each other for truth, for support, and to feel less alone during a time that can honestly feel quite scary. There are so many around the world who need support right now, who are working tirelessly to respond to this crisis behind the scenes, on the frontline, or at home. Our willingness, as a people, to step up in the face of what we are all experiencing with COVID-19 is awe-inspiring. This moment is as true a testament there is to the human spirit. We often speak of compassion. All of our lives are in some way affected by this, uniting each of us globally. How we approach each other and our communities with empathy and kindness is indisputably important right now. Over the coming weeks, this will be our guiding principle. We will be sharing information and resources to help all of us navigate the uncertainty: from posting accurate information and facts from trusted experts, to learning about measures we can take to keep ourselves and our families healthy, to working with organisations that can support our mental and emotional well-being. In addition, we will focus on the inspiring stories of how so many of you around the world are connecting in ways big and small to lift all of us up. We are all in this together, and as a global community we can support each other through this process – and build a digital neighbourhood that feels safe for every one of us. We look forward to sharing more over the days and weeks to come…

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A message from Her Majesty The Queen. @theroyalfamily

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